
Cardinal Calls For Legal Response Against 'Da Vinci Code'

A leading cardinal has urged Christians to initiate legal action against the controversial 'The Da Vinci Code' book and film as he feels that it offends Christ and the Church.

A leading cardinal has urged Christians to initiate legal action against the controversial "The Da Vinci Code" book and film as he feels that it offends Christ and the Church as a whole. 'Christians must not just sit back and say it is enough for us to forgive and to forget,' urged Francis Arinze.

The novel is based on attempts to disclose a murder mystery associated with the life of Christ. Furthermore, this top secret, the writer claims has been protected by a clandestine society. Written by Dan Brown, the book has already sols more than 40 million copies.

Cardinal Francis Arinze, who was considered as a potential candidate for pope last year has expressed his rage and criticism against the book in a documentary called 'The Da Vinci Code-A Masterful Deception.' His appeal is said to have been voiced 10 days after a demand for boycotting of film was voiced by yet another Vatican cardinal.

Expressing that other religions would not remain passive when their beliefs are offended, both cardinals called for a strong response from Christians. The documentary, made by noted filmmaker Mario Biasetti would be screened in Rome, late this month, according to official sources.

This would however be scheduled before launch of the screen version of the best-selling book at the Cannes Film Festival.
