
Let Us All Join Government To Ban Child Labour

by VR Sreeraman on Nov 12 2006 12:00 PM

The Government has announced a ban on employment of children as domestic servants and in dhabas, restaurants, motels, teashops, spas and other recreational centres on 10th of last month

Indian Government takes a tough stride to ban child labour, a pervasive problem in India. The ban, imposed under the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 was announced by the Government on 10th of October, promises rehabilitation of children working as domestic servants, in dhabas, restaurants, resorts, and various other places for their livelihood. Kriti Attri explores the plight of Child labour, a reality that screams at the face of humanity every moment.

Technical Advisory Committee elaborated the grey areas of this practice where children are subjected to physical violence, psychological traumas and sexual abuse India is one among the nations where children are brutally vanquished under child labour due to various reasons like poverty, family expectations and traditions, abuse of the child, lack of education, lack of other services such as health care, public opinion that downplays the risk of early work for children, uncaring attitude of employers The Labour and Employment Ministry planning to enforce it strongly has warned public that anyone responsible for employing children would be liable for prosecution and other penal actions under the act. The Labour Ministry has also promised to expand and strengthen its schemes and projects in all child labour endemic districts all over the country.

Talking about this issue, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said: the Government would take ''firm action'' against the violators. ''I appeal to the citizens, forums representing voices of all sections in the society, employees of government and other public institutions to join the Government's endeavour in ensuring that the law is implemented,''

Government also has launched a toll-free helpline (1098) in October, operational in 70 cities. The helpline is being used for receiving distress calls about child labour from various parts of the banned sectors.

So, Let us unite to fight against child labour as the future of our nation stands in the hands of those innocent faces.












