
HIV Spread May Be Arrested By A New Compound

A new compound may prove to be efficient in treating the HIV infection.

A promising step forward in the field of AIDS was disclosed by a team of researchers from Temple University. According to this 2-5AN6B, a nucleic acid, could actually stop the spread of HIV by inhibiting the virus from replicating.

This work was led by Robert J.Suhadolnik, Professor of Biochemistry at Temple University School of Medicine. According to him, 2-5AN6B in combination with drugs currently used for AIDS treatment will be effective in treating AIDS in the future.

As the HIV virus can modify and defend itself against treatments, finding a cure for this deadly disease is becoming difficult. 2-5AN6B is said to refurbish the natural anti viral defense system of the body against HIV virus.

All along, the drugs intended for HIV infection targets the virus replication. But this compound appears to work differently and counters the mutating capability of HIV virus. This team plans to go further deep into this research focusing on the molecular mechanisms of 2-5AN6B and the remedial measures for HIV infection.

