An all speality treatment will be made available at Belle Vue clinic at Kolkata.
In Kolkata Pradip Tandon the Chief of Belle Vue Clinic told the press that the clinic will be converted to a hospital by 2006.
In this project Rs 30 crores is invested to transform this clinic into a 200 bed hospital with all the health care facilities.A plastic surgery unit is also to be opened under the same roof with an investment of Rs 1 crore.
He emphasized on the growing demand for plastic surgery as they receive 15-20 cases/ month. Now due to the greater awareness among the people regarding beauty more and more want to go in for plastic surgery apart from reconstructive surgery.
The age group which opts for this is between 25-25 years with the cost depending on the type of treatment.
The clinic is basically very much interested in development of eye care specialties. In collaboration with the Aravind eye care hospital at Madurai, the hospital plans to provide the best eye care treatment in Kolkata.
The Aravind eye care hospital at Madurai is one of the best hospitals with respect to eye care treatments and surgeries. It is also the largest community eye care centre in the world.
The hospital plans to increase the number of operating theatres to ten equipped to do all types of surgeries.
The clinic charges around 15,000 – 100000 per patient depending on the ailment.
It plans to conduct public workshops and seminars periodically to increase the awareness among the people about specialty health care treatments.