Mobile phones may seriously contribute to the spread of germs. Hence keep it clean during COVID-19.

‘Smartphones can be a serious contributor to the spread of germs. Hence use an alcohol wipe or hand sanitizer to disinfect it. ’

Jungbauer says, "People are informed continuously that not touching one's face and washing hands are two of the most important things to do during this outbreak. Heavy cell phone use is undermining both. 

"People are outside, interacting with others, possibly getting the virus on their hands. Then they touch their phone over and over. At some point, they come home or to their office, and prudently wash their hands. But they typically do not wash their phones, which they then press multiple times a day against their face close to mouth, eyes, and ears.
"Mobile phones may seriously contribute to the spread of germs. This ultimately could force us to rethink our relationship with technology and open the door for new tech innovations and business ventures that better balance our need for connectivity, with our vulnerability to emerging pandemics."