According to a survey, women tend to frown upon traditional acts of chivalry nowadays and a noble gesture is often seen as suspicious.

The figures show further strides in equality and independence, but are a disappointment for those to whom traditional displays of good manners are important, whatever the gender.
Mark Hall, Gentleman Creation Officer for, said men's standards have slipped so far over recent years that any offer of chivalry from a gentleman knocks a woman off their guard and is viewed with outright suspicion.
The survey carried out by the online service, which helps men to dress well and offers free tips on etiquette, revealed just how much women rejected chivalrous behaviour.
The results said a huge 82 per cent of women preferred to pay for their dinner on a first date and 52 per cent claimed they would happily pay for entire bill.
Men who think women are lumbering heavy shopping bags around should think twice because 89 per cent would not accept an offer to help.