Osteoporosis Risk Chart calculates a person's risk for osteoporosis. It also predicts if the person requires a special X-ray test called 'bone densitometry or DEXA scan' to confirm the score index from the results of the chart.
Generally as we age, the risk of osteoporosis increases and this results in increased risk of fracture such as fracture of the hip bone or wrist bone. The good news is that osteoporosis is reversible by exposure to sunlight and taking Calcium and Vitamin D supplements.
We recommend that you take this test after the age of 40 years. Please answer all the questions. The test is almost 80% accurate in predicting osteoporosis.
Recommended Readings on Osteoporosis
Bone is metabolically active connective tissue enriched with calcium and specialized bone cells. The main function of bones is to protect the internal organs, produce blood cells and provide structure to the body( ...
Calcium and vitamin D are known to improve bone health. Most people are aware of the foods which promote bone health but are unaware of those that lower bone density leading to osteoporosis.
Legs are easily prone to injuries while playing sports, running or falling. These injuries affect the entire leg or may be localized to the hip, knee, ankle or foot.
Encyclopedia section of medindia briefly explains about Lifestyle and Osteoporosis
Hip replacement surgery is usually done on a hip joint damaged due to age from osteo-arthritis. This results in pain and limits daily activities without relief from medications.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of function in the joints.
Calculate your lifetime risk of being afflicted by some of the common health conditions using Medindia's Lifetime Risk Assessment Calculator.
A fracture, or a broken bone, is a common consequence of falls and motor vehicle accidents. The following quiz will help you to have a better understanding of the different types, causes and treatments of fractures. Take this quiz to find out how ...
Osteoporosis is a debilitating condition that affects all the bones. However, the bones of the hip, wrists and spine are most affected. Learn more about the debilitating disease of Osteoporosis by taking this ...
Femoral neck fracture is a type of hip fracture common in elderly, osteoporotic women. In younger persons, it may occur with unaccustomed strenuous activity or due to cancer.
Animation for yoga asanas. Yoga helps to maintain a healthy balance of the body,with its set of movements or exercises
Animation and slides providing graphic explanation of Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT)/Stem Cell Transplantation that is done for leukemia and other blood-related disorders.
Menopause is an importantant stage in woman's life.Know more about it's physiology,signs,symptoms,causes and management of menopause.
Rheumatoid arthritis patients should consume a diet rich in natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients and avoid foods like sugar, saturated fats, and trans fatty acids.
A fracture is a condition where the continuity of the bone is lost. Majority of bone fractures occur because of high force impact or stress on a bone.
The risk of suffering from osteoporotic fractures is 30-50% in women and 15 to 30% in men. Osteoporosis screening is currently recommended for women only.
Do you have a problem with urinary leakage? Don't suffer in silence seek help but first find out the severity of the leak by using this calculator.
Use these Health Screening Guidelines that list the medical conditions you should be screened for in your next health check-up.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fractures. The bone mass is reduced and the bones are porous, thereby resulting in weakness of the skeletal system of the body.
I have degenerative disc disease sciatica and major arthritis through out my whole body so bad I have to have my right handbook placed now I weigh 345 lb give or take so no surgeon will even touch me until I can lose weight but because I can't move around because the pain in my hips and my back and spine I can't exercise I can't even put my socks on the pain in my right hip is so bad I'm not sure if I arthritis is considered Osteoporosis or not however after looking at how simplistic and generic these tests are o can absolutely say i think they are set up to cause you some worry hoping to get you to contact their pop up Dr's