- Health insurance - (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/health_insurance)
The UK health insurance sector offers many choices to the consumer. The consumer has the luxury to customize the insurance to their needs. This is seldom found in other countries.
However more choices can also mean more confusion when making a policy selection. What this means is that time needs to be spent to research the various products available and look at the new products being launched. To get the best out one needs to undertake this exercise or speak to an expert consultant on the subject.

Classification of Health Insurance Products and Services
Private health insurance companies offer products that can be broadly categorized into two categories namely:-
a) Standard Health Plan
b) Comprehensive Health Plan
a) Standard Health Plan
Under this plan, coverage includes:-
- Basic hospital treatment
- Emergency care
- Inpatient and Out-patient Services
- Online and Wellness Services
- Diagnostic laboratory tests
- Domiciliary nursing
- Physiotherapy
Standard Health Plans are more reasonably priced in comparison to Comprehensive Health Plan.
b) Comprehensive Health Plan
It covers broad-spectrum healthcare services including tertiary healthcare. But costs involved are exorbitant. Policy coverage of each insurance product or service varies to a great extent.