
The New India Assurance Company Ltd

The New India Assurance Company Ltd

There are two types of health policies being offered by The New India Assurance Company Ltd for the year 2009-10 as follows:-

a) Universal Health Insurance Scheme

b) Jan Arogya Bima Policy

a) Universal Health Insurance Scheme - Salient features

Hydrocele in Children

Medical Reimbursement

The policy provides reimbursement of hospitalization expenses upto Rs.30,000/- to an individual /family, subject to the following sub-limits:

A. (i) Room, Boarding expenses upto Rs.150/- per day
(ii) If admitted in ICU upto Rs.300/- per day
B. Surgeon, Anesthetist, Consultant, specialists fees, Nursing expenses upto Rs.4,500/- per illness/ injury
C. Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, OT charges, Medicines, Diagnostic material & X-Ray, Dialysis, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Cost of pacemaker, Artificial limb, etc upto Rs. 4,500/- per illness/ injury
D. Total expenses incurred for any one illness upto Rs. 15,000/-

Personal Accident Cover

Coverage for Death of the Earning Head of the family (as named in the schedule) due to accident: Rs. 25,000/-.

Disability Cover

If the earning head of the family is hospitalized due to an accident / illness a compensation of Rs.50/- per day will be paid per day of hospitalization up to a maximum of 15 days after a waiting period of 3 days.


For purpose of this policy HOSPITAL means:

  • Any Hospital/ Nursing home registered with the local authorities and under the supervision of a registered and qualified Medical practitioner.
  • Hospital/ Nursing Home run by Government.
  • Enlisted hospitals run by NGOS / Trusts / selected private hospitals with fixed schedule of charges.
  • It should have minimum 15 beds (10 in case of class 'C' cities having a population lest than 5 lakhs) with fully equipped OT, fully qualified nursing staff round the clock and fully qualified doctor should be in charge round the clock.
  • Hospitalization should be for a minimum period of 24 hrs. However this time limit is not applied to some specific treatments and also where due to technological advancement hospitalization for 24 hrs may not be required.

Other Features

  • Any One Illness - Will be deemed to mean continuous period of illness and it includes relapse within 60 days from the date of last consultation with the hospital.
  • Age Limitations - This Policy covers people between the age of 3 months to 70 years.
  • Family - Means earning head, spouse and up to maximum of three dependent children. Dependent parents can also be included.
  • Floater Basis - The benefit of family will operate on floater basis i.e. the total reimbursement of Rs.30,000/- can be availed of individually or collectively by members of the family.


For an individual Rs. 300/- per annum
For a family up to 5 (including the first 3 children) Rs. 450/- per annum
For a family up to 7 (including the first 3 children and dependent parents) Rs. 600/- per annum

Premium Subsidy for BPL Families

For families below the poverty line the Government will provide a premium subsidy of Rs.100/- per family.

b) Jan Arogya Bima Policy

Salient Features

This policy is designed to provide cheap medical insurance to poorer sections of society. Premium up to Rs.10000/- qualifies for tax benefit under Sec 80D of the Income Tax Act. Service tax is not applicable to the policy.


The coverage is along the lines of individual mediclaim policy except that cumulative bonus and medical checkup benefits are not included. The Sum Insured per insured person is restricted to Rs 5000/-.


The policy is available to individuals and family members. The age limit is 5 to 70 years. Children between the age of 3 months and 5 years can be covered provided one or both parents are covered concurrently.

Major Exclusions

Any disease contracted within 30 days from commencement of risk, Injury/disease caused by war perils/nuclear perils, Circumcision, Routine eye examination, Dental treatments/surgery of any kind unless requires hospitalization, Convalescence/general disability/run down condition or rest cure etc, Expenses on vitamins and tonics, Treatments arising from or traceable to pregnancy/child birth inclusion of caesarian section.

c) Janata Personal Accident Policy


The insurance pays specified benefits if the insurance sustains bodily injury resulting solely and directly from accident caused by outward violent and visible means. The minimum sum insured is Rs 25000/- and maximum Rs 1,00,000/- per person per annum. The rate of premium is Rs 15/- per sum assured of Rs 25000/- which can be increased in multiples of Rs 25,000/-.



This policy provides compensation in the event of death or permanent disablement or loss of limbs or sight in eyes.


Any person, irrespective of sex and occupation in the age group 10 to 70 years may be covered.

Major Exclusions

Intentional self injury, suicide or attempted suicide, accident while the insured is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, loss caused by insanity, loss due to breach of law with criminal intent, War and allied perils, nuclear radiation.


Disclaimer: This information is extracted from the company’s official website to provide information to the general public. The information is likely to change based on the concerned insurance companies’ discretion. Alterations, deletions and/or additions to the existing policy products, coverage and their premiums may be enhanced or reduced. These figures are only guidelines. We recommend the individual to visit the official website of the insurance company for more details and updated matters.











