
Bulimia Nervosa


"In 30 patients whose illness bears a close resemblance to anorexia nervosa,…episodes of overeating constituted the most constant feature of the disorder…. Overeating was often overshadowed by more dramatic clinical phenomena--intractable self-induced vomiting or purgation…. The constancy and significance of overeating invite a new terminology for description of this symptom--bulimia nervosa." - Gerald F.M. Russell, 1979

The term 'Bulimia' refers to episodes of uncontrolled excessive eating, known as "binges," followed by self-induced vomiting or purgation. It commonly occurs in adolescent girls. The key elements include the following:

  • This 'Eating Disorder' is characterised by an irresistible urge to overeat.
  • Extreme measures to control body weight and misconceptions regarding the "perfect" shape and size of the body are observed, similar to that in patients with Anorexia Nervosa.
  • The condition might get severe with huge quantities of food being consumed.
  • To prevent weight gain patients resort to self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, fasting or extremely rigorous exercising.
