
Stress Incontinence - Management

What tests will be required to diagnose the problem?

General physical examination

First, your doctor will perform a general physical examination.

Urinary Stress Test

Urinary stress test (the patient is asked to stand with a full bladder, and then cough). This test is done to demonstrate incontinence problem of the patient.

Pelvic examination

A pelvic examination is essential, where the doctor would insert a finger into the vagina to look or to rather feel for any abnormality. The pelvic examination can reveal lack of support of the muscles of the pelvic floor necessary for urinary control, or any other significant structural abnormality with reference to the urinary problem.

Routine blood and Urine test

A routine urine and blood test has to be done.

A test to measure your kidney function is routinely done, as there might be a compromise in the functioning of the same in some cases.

Urine culture and Sensitivity

Sometimes, it might be necessary to have a special urine test (urine culture) to look for any infection in the urinary tract. If the results turn out to be positive, then treatment with appropriate antibiotics is needed.


Radiological Investigation:


Depending upon the results of the above-mentioned tests, further test in the form of ultrasound or X-rays may be needed.

Urodynamics Test

A special urine test called the urodynamics test has to be done. This is very important because it will decide whether the problem can be managed with drugs or by surgery. It is advisable to take someone with you on the day of the test. The test will take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour and a prior appointment is usually given.


The need for this test is very rare. The test measures the muscle activity in the urethra and pelvic floor during different rates of bladder filling and while urinating. This can be combined with the Urodynamics test in most of the cases.


It is a minimally invasive procedure for inspection of the urethra and the urinary bladder. It is not done in all cases presenting with stress incontinence, however it may be necessary in certain special cases to analyze the problem.
