Laughter is the shortest distance between two people
- Victor BorgeLaughter is an instant vacation
- Milton BerleLaughter is by definition healthy.
- PooleHe who laughs last, didn't get the joke.
- Sir Peter Ustinov (1921- ).He who can laugh at himself will always be entertained.
- Steve MartinAt the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
- Jean HoustonOne can never speak enough of the virtues, the dangers, the power of shared laughter.
- Francoise SaganIn my mind, there is nothing so illiberal and so ill bred as audible laughter
- Buddhist ProverbI always knew I would look back on my tears and laugh, but I never knew I would look back at my laughter and cry
- John Powell.We love a joke that hands us a pat on the back while it kicks the other fellow downstairs.
- Lamb.While the laughter of joy is in full harmony with our deeper life, the laughter of amusement should be kept apart from it. The danger is too great of thus learning to look at solemn things in a spirit of mockery, and to seek in them opportunities for exercising wit.
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