
Depression Screening Test - Free Self Assessment Calculator

Do you feel tired or sad or disinterested all the time? Do you spend sleepless nights? Chances are you are depressed and you don't know it. It's not just you. Nearly 300 million people of all ages around the world suffer from�depression which affects the quality of their routine lives(1 Trusted Source
Effect of Ketamine on Sleep in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Systematic Review.

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Some of the situations that make you sad include�losing your loved ones, becoming sick, losing a job and having financial problems(2 Trusted Source

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If you are not able to cope with sadness in a positive way, you may become depressed. Early detection and treatment lead to early recovery. Take this free Online Depression Screening Test�to check if you suffer from mild or chronic depression.
Read all the questions carefully and give an honest response. The test questions refer to how you have felt and behaved during the past week.

Depression Screening Tool

Are you


Facts about Depression

  • Statistics reveal that more women get depressed than men(3 Trusted Source
    Why is depression more prevalent in women?

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  • Women are more likely to develop�depression after giving birth�due to the hormonal changes and the additional responsibility of bringing up the newborn baby(4 Trusted Source
    Postpartum Depression.

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  • Depression is caused not only by psychological factors but also by genetic and environmental factors(5 Trusted Source
    Genetic and epigenetic factors associated with depression: An updated overview

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  • Depressed people have imbalanced neurotransmitters, which help brain cells (neurons) to communicate with each other.
  • Illicit use of drugs and alcohol may lead to depression(6 Trusted Source
    Substance abuse

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  • Based on the severity level,�psychotherapy, medications, vagal nerve stimulation or electroconvulsive therapy will be recommended(7 Trusted Source
    Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Treatment of Depression: To the Brainstem and Beyond

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  • 1. Effect of Ketamine on Sleep in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Systematic Review.
  • 2. Depression
    ( )
  • 3. Why is depression more prevalent in women?
    ( )
  • 4. Postpartum Depression.
    ( )
  • 5. Genetic and epigenetic factors associated with depression: An updated overview
    ( )
  • 6. Substance abuse
  • 7. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Treatment of Depression: To the Brainstem and Beyond
    ( )

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disney_fan30, Bahrain - Aug 28, 2022

when i go to public i feel so not comfortable like. i hate talk in public because i think people well say that i'm trying to show off so i just walk and never talk and when somebody tell me something i get so mad and angry

tejas1234, India - Nov 09, 2022

sir i am not able to concentrate on my studies.when i start to study my head start paining and its lead to sleep is longer than 6 waist is always in pain.i am not able to pick heavy weight.always i fell tried and less energy to do any work.i can't even stop my sleep in daytime..sir plz help me give some precaution.

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Dr. Ikhlaq A Choudhary
Dr. Ikhlaq A Choudhary
11 years experience
Health Square Mohali, Near Buffet Hut
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Dr. Gayathri Vijayalakshmi
Dr. Gayathri Vijayalakshmi
12 years experience
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Dr. Jitty George
Dr. Jitty George
MBBS, DPM, MD, DNB, IACAM fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
11 years experience
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Dr. Bhushan Ambadkar
Dr. Bhushan Ambadkar
12 years experience
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