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Credit Card FAQ's Regarding Credit Card Payment

FAQ’s Regarding Credit Card Payment?

Q. How can I make payment through credit card?

A. You can use your VISA or Master Card and pay through ICICI payment gateway. Your card information will remain encrypted which makes your transaction completely safe.

Q. Can I do Direct Money Transfer?

A. Yes. You can deposit the advertisement amount in any of your nearest ICICI Bank to the credit of Account No. 602705031300 . You can send the payment details by mailing or calling us back. E-mail Address: Phone No. +91-044-26263372

Q. Do I need to have ICICI bank account to deposit the amount into your account?

A. ICICI bank account not required.

Demand Draft FAQ's Regarding Demand Draft Payment

FAQ’s Regarding Demand Draft Payment

Q. Can I make payment through Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque?

A. Yes. You can make a DD or Banker's Cheque drawn in the name of Medindia Health Network Pvt. Ltd. ICICI Bank, Anna Nagar Branch.

You should courier us the DD along with your details such as your name, address, phone numbers and E-mail address.

Q. Can I do Direct Money Transfer?

A. Yes. You can deposit the advertisement amount in any of your nearest ICICI Bank to the credit of Account No. 602705031300. You can send the payment details by mailing or calling us back. E-mail Address: Phone No. +91-044-26263372

Q. Do I need to have ICICI bank account to deposit the amount into your account?

A. ICICI bank account not required.