- It balances 'pitta' and 'Kapha'
- It has a sweet, astringent and pungent taste
- It is cool in potency and nourishing
- Pungent after digestion (vipaka)
- Heavy to digest
- Dry and rough
- It is rich in Sulfur, Chlorine, Iodine, Alkaline Salts, Vitamin C
- It has anti- cancerous elements
- It boosts immunity
- Cleanses the body
- Alkaline in nature
- Used in treating - Cancer
- Stomach problems
- Constipation
- Hypothyroidism
- Obesity
- Anemia
- Gout
- Deficiency of adrenal gland
- Skin diseases
- Teeth, gums, and bone deficiency
- Alcoholic intoxication
Botanical name: Brassica oleracea
Sanskrit name: Patta Gobhi
Tamil name: Muttai Kos
English name: Cabbage
- Cabbage - 200gm
- Rock salt - to taste
- Pepper powder - 1 tsp
- Lemon juice - Few drops
Take raw chopped cabbage and add little salt, pepper and lemon juice. Alternatively, half steam the vegetable for 5 minutes and add some salt, pepper and lemon juice. When cooked completely, cabbage loses all its values.