Cancer and Homeopathy

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The signs and symptoms in cancer patients depend on the location of cancer, the size of the tumour and its effect on the surrounding organs.

Symptoms hint that a person may be ill. Symptoms are generally felt by the sick person and not necessarily seen by others. A sign is an observation made by a medical practitioner that indicates that something is amiss in the body.

The signs and symptoms in cancer patients depend on the location of cancer, the size of the tumour and its effect on the surrounding organs. When cancer extends to other parts, then varying symptoms may surface from the associated parts. Symptoms such as, fatigue, fever, and weight loss are often seen in persons affected with cancer. Cancer cells seem to utilize phenomenal amounts of energy thus causing fatigue and fever.

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lifesaverclinic, India

hope for the hopeless got best results

navin123, India

good article!

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