
Reiki and Pranic Healing-Using it to advantage

Using Reiki and Pranic Healing to Your Advantage

Professional Advantage

Many professionals practice Reiki for success in their profession. Doctors learn Pranic Healing to complement their treatment and lawyers learn Reiki to gain popularity.

Both these methods have known to bring success, victory and riches to people. One can programme his/ her success before the event. For example, if a lawyer expects stiff opposition in a court case, he can invoke Reiki and send the energy in advance towards the opposition party and expect co-operation and softening from that party.

Those that lack confidence and speech problems, have reported to overcome these defects after initiation to these healing methods.


The students practicing Reiki have admitted to overcome examination fear and phobia. Visualizing an easy flow in their writing helps them to face any exam confidently. To achieve success and wealth the practice of Reiki is better than Pranic Healing.

Doctors and Healing

A complimentary method of healing can be of great help to doctors where the drugs are not necessarily of help.

It is not unusual for doctors to suggest to their patients to try out complementary methods of treatment when their own methods are not working.

For example, a patient bedridden due to multiple fractures is traumatized due to successive surgeries. He knows the recovery takes a long time and not without pain and stress to his system.. This is the time when one of the holistic healing methods can come to their rescue. The healing therapy helps the recovery to be faster and provides emotional support. This obviously is of utmost importance, when they are confined to bed and dependent on others for all mundane things.

There is a danger of giving excess energy to a patient while treating him with Pranic Healing method but Reiki is only drawn and not given. A patient draws the energy as much as he needs and not more or less.

Pranic Healing restricts a practitioner from the consumption of non-vegetarian food, liquor and tobacco, as they can deplete energy in the chakras.

Reiki also believes in energy depletion due to unhealthy food habits but the Reiki masters leave the option to the practitioners. In course of time, the practitioners themselves feel the difference in their use and non- use and give it up on their own.

It is ideal for the patient to learn and practise himself so that he can draw the energy any time of the day or night and get relief.