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Cancer and Homeopathy - Specific Symptoms

Specific Symptoms

Some other noticeable symptoms that are seen associated with cancer are:
Pain: People who have cancer experience a lot of pain. Very often it may be severe. Medicines to relieve pain are given orally or per rectum or sometimes as injections.

Alterations in Bowel Habits: Recurrent, long-standing constipation, non specific loose stools and blood streaked stools may be seen in colon cancer.

Changes in Bladder Function: Changes in the frequency of urination, bloody urine and painful urination are symptoms that may rise in association with bladder or prostate cancer.

Stubborn Skin Sores: Stubborn skin sores that don't improve may point to skin cancer. A constant sore in the mouth can indicate oral cancer, in smokers and those who chew tobacco, Sores on genitalia could also be fore runners of cancerous lesions.

Abnormal Bleeding: Bleeding may be encountered in initial or later stages of cancer. Blood-tinged sputum may indicate lung cancer. Blood in the stool may be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Vaginal bleeding is seen associated with cervical cancer. Bloody exudates from nipples may occur in breast cancer patients.

Thickening or Lumps in the Body: Many cancers show up as palpable lumps that can be felt below the skin in glands, the breast, and other soft tissues of the body.

Difficulty in Swallowing: This symptoms become prominent in patients suffering from cancer of the, stomach, esophagus or throat.

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