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Diabetes and Homeopathy - Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy attempts to treat NIDDM or Type 2 diabetes taking the totality of symptoms and the constitution of the person suffering from diabetes. Some of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies in clinical practice are

Acetic Acid: Emaciation and weakness is marked in patients needing this remedy. Severe burning thirst and copious pale urination is marked in this patient. Patient is sensitive to cold.

Argentum Metallicum: there is gradual emaciation in the patient; Urine is profuse and turbid in appearance with a sweet odor. Swelling of ankles is seen.

Arsenicum Album: Severe marked exhaustion, restlessness, aggravations at night are keynote features of individuals who need this remedy. Urine is albuminous and scanty. Unquenchable thirst is seen.

Cephalandra Indica (Tincture) - in diabetics who have severe thirst for large quantities of water and have dry skin with severe itching and boils.

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