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Diabetes and Homeopathy - Types of Diabetes

Types of Diabetes

There are various types of diabetes:

► Type 1 diabetes was earlier more commonly referred to as insulin-dependent (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes. In the 5-10% patients who suffer from this type of diabetes there is a deficit of insulin produced from the gland called pancreas, in the body. Such patients require insulin injected into the blood stream; this type of diabetes can cause unexpected grave complications.

► Type 2 diabetes formerly referred to as non-insulin-dependent, NIDDM, or Late onset type develops when a person's body is unable to make use of the insulin produced inside the body. Almost 90% of all diabetics suffer from Type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes was formerly seen mostly among adult population. But, off late, this is seen increasingly among obese children.

► Gestational diabetes is quite similar to NIDDM is which is seen only during pregnancy and is diagnosed during antenatal check-ups.

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