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Hemorrhoids or Piles- Homeopathy Cure - Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Most cases of hemorrhoids have good prognosis, especially if treated in time. One can diagnose hemorrhoids on clinical findings alone. However, if the hemorrhoids are associated with one or more symptoms like pain in abdomen, strangulation, excessive hemorrhage, etc, some other investigations like sigmoidoscopy, rectoscopy, or colonoscopy may be required to rule out other potential dangers.

Conservative hemorrhoid treatment comprises of stool softeners and laxatives.

Homeopathic Treatment of Hemorrhoids:

Homeopathic medicines can occasionally replace the surgeon's knife. The homeopathic medicines work on the principle of "like cures like" and many different medicinal substances are used in varied potencies to help cure hemorrhoids (or any other disease for that matter). Homeopathy is a holistic medicine that is based on "Individualistic Approach" to any case.

As per this approach, any disease including hemorrhoids is treated individually after carefully considering the physical, mental, and emotional symptomatology of the person. Certain miasmatic dispositions are described in homeopathy and every individual has predominance of some miasm. They can also be called as pre-dispositions or susceptibilities of an individual suffering from certain disease traits. With aptly chosen constitutional homeopathic medicines, these traits can be modified positively to obtain cure from the existing problem and an overall health is achieved.

Also homeopathic medicines are extremely useful for acute symptoms of hemorrhoids. The pain, inflammation, itching, bleeding per rectum, etc can be effectively tackled with accurate simillimum chosen homeopathically.

Homeopathic Medicines for Piles or Hemorrhoids:

The homeopathic medicines like Aloe soc, Collinsonia, Hamamelis, Muriatic acid, Thuja, Aesculus, Ratanhia, Nux vomica, Kali carb, Ammonium carb, Kali carb, Phosphorus, etc work well in some case of hemorrhoids. However, one should refrain from self treatment on the basis of elementary knowledge of homeopathy. Expert homeopathic intervention is a must, as deriving the constitutional prescription is more of an art that needs to be mastered and without the constitutional approach, it is hard to find perfect cure from hemorrhoids.

If homeopathy fails surgery is required and there are many options like rubber-band ligation, sclerotherapy, laser therapy and/or open hemorrhoidectomy.

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