Hemorrhoids or Piles- Homeopathy Cure
The enlarged veins at the lower end of rectum and anus are termed as hemorrhoids or Piles. Enhanced pressure within the rectum and anus is the prime reason for protrusion of hemorrhoids and for rectal bleeding. The incidence of hemorrhoids is increasing thanks to our the increasing use of and junk food and irregular eating habits. The initial signs of the hemorrhoids should be recognized so that the disease can be brought under control at an early stage with minimum treatment with homeopathy and hence avoid surgery.Hemorrhoids is a growing problem faced mainly by the people of middle and old age. The two types 'internal' and 'external' hemorrhoids can be differentiated. The external variety is located under the skin that surrounds the anus. With the bowel movement, these hemorrhoids may swell, be felt, and cause pain and/or bleeding. The internal hemorrhoids however located in the inner lining of the rectum and cannot be felt. These are usually painless and can lead to bleeding per rectum with or without protrusion.