
Eyes - Mirror your Soul, Face - Mirrors Health!

Pimples around the eyes and on the chin - due to sluggish kidneys and spleen ! Cut heavy meat and fats from your diet immediately. A greenish tinge on the lower forehead – show mucous and fat deposits that form cysts and tumors due to unbalanced diet. Your face warns you well before your organs actually do.


  • The chin reflects the reproductive organs, both male and female.

A red chin with expanded capillaries:

  • This condition indicates that prostate health in men has to be looked into.
  • The person may be indulging in excessive amount of fatty and spicy food. Cheese, butter, meat, eggs, sugar and alcohol need to be checked.

Swollen Lower Chin:

  • When the lower chin is swollen or has wrinkles the reproductive organs may be affected.

Pimples on the chin:

  • Show mucous and fat in the glands of the reproductive organs. Drinking lots of water and eating light nutritious food will clear it up.


  • The upper lip is all about the upper digestive system and the lower lip indicates the health of the lower digestive organs .

Pale Lips:

  • Are a clear indication of anemia and low haemoglobin.

Dark Lips:

  • These are a result of too much fat and salt intake. Indicate a lethargic liver, kidneys and bladder.

Yellow Tinged Lips:

  • The liver and gall bladder are unable to digest excessive amount of eggs, cheese and chicken in the diet.

Pinkish White Lips:

  • When a person overdoes the dairy products along with sugar and fats, the lymphatic system becomes weak. At times the person may have some skin allergies or asthma.

Black Spots:

  • These appear when the diet is rich with carbohydrates like – sugar, jaggery, honey or too many sweet fruits.

Vertical Wrinkles:

  • Dehydration is the main cause of these wrinkles. Salt and dried food need to be decreased.

White Patches:

  • When these appear - build up of saturated fats from foods like eggs and cheese slow down the liver function.

Dried and Crusty Skin at the Corners:

The quality of edible oil may not be the best. Eating too much of greasy and oily food.

Pinkish Red:

  • This is the normal lip color, which indicates a good blood circulation, respiration and digestion.


  • This feature is about the nervous system and blood circulation.

Swollen tip:

  • This is due to too much of sugar, fats and oils. The blood circulation and excretory systems are weak.

Red Nose:

  • This is due to a sluggish liver.

Expanded and Broken Capillaries:

  • The liver and heart seem to be over worked.

White and Patchy Skin:

  • This condition is due to excessive salt and a diet which has hardly any vegetables and low on fluids.


  • The cheeks reflect blood circulation, respiration and parts of the digestive system.

Pale Cheeks:

  • This is due to too much of cheese and cream in the diet. Paleness is caused by fat cells in the lungs and large intestine, with a sluggish liver. This causes lethargy.

Red or Pink Cheeks:

  • This is caused by excessive alcohol, soft drinks, drugs and strong medication.

Dark Spots:

  • Too much of coffee is one cause and also due to fat and mucous accumulated in the lungs.


  • Pimples happen due to high amount of meat, dairy products, oil and fat.
  • They occur due to collection of fat and mucous in the reproductive organs, digestive system and lungs.


  • When too much of sugar, jaggery, milk and fruits are eaten in excess the lungs eliminate these in the form of freckles.

Bridge of the Nose:

  • Reflects health of Pancreas.


  • Lines are caused due to over worked pancreas also the quantity of eggs, and sugar need to be decreased.


  • Appear in this area due to too much of meat and eggs in the diet.


  • The condition of the area around the eyes is about the physical, mental and spiritual health.

Reddish color around the eyes:

  • This happens when there is too much of alcohol intake and also due to too much of sugar and soft drinks. Reddishness is caused by sluggish kidneys and a poor circulation.

Yellowish color around the eyes:

  • The result of an over worked liver and gall bladder. There is an excess amount of cheese and dairy products in the diet.

Purplish color around Eyes:

  • This occurs due to drugs, high amount of sugar, chemicals and medication.

Grayish color around the Eyes:

  • The amount of meat, eggs and salt in the diet, needs to be decreased. The kidneys and lungs are affected.

Pimples around the Eyes:

These pimples form due to eliminations of fat and protein from meat and sweets. Due to this the pancreas, spleen and kidneys are strained.

Under Eyebrows:

  • The skin under eyebrows sags, wrinkles or is puffy at times due to unhealthy eating. This corrects itself in a few days by eating balanced meals.

Bags under Eyes:

  • The puffy and swollen bags under eyes are due to mucous secretion, the kidneys are slow and sluggish.


The temples correspond to spleen, pancreas, liver and gall bladder.

Dark Color:

  • The elimination of excess amount of jaggery, honey, chocolates, and dairy products shows as dark color in the temples. The kidneys, pancreas and spleen are sluggish due to this.


  • Upper Forehead:
    This represents the health of the excretory system, heart, kidneys and bladder.
    • The red in this area is due to drinking too much coffee, juices or alcohol. The excretory system is affected by frequent urination and indigestion.
    • Pimples:
      • Intake of too much of oil, fats, meat, sugars and coffee on a daily basis results in pimples.
  • Middle Forehead:
    This area relates to the Nervous System.
    • Reddishness in this area is ue to excessive drinking of juices, tea, coffee and soft drinks. It results in feelings of anxiety and nervousness.
    • Pimples:
      • They are due to eating refined flour in excess.
    • Freckles:
      • Freckles are the result of elimination of sugars, honey, drugs and too much medication.
  • Lower Forehead:
    This area relates to the digestive and respiratory systems.
    • White Patches and Spots:
      • They are indicative of collection of fats and mucous in the lungs and digestive system.
    • A Greenish Color:
      • This indicates collection of fat and mucous, which lead to formation of cysts, tumors and sometimes cancer in the respiratory and digestive systems. This happens due to excessive amounts of meat, sugars dairy products, drugs and medication.











