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Top 4 Benefits of Honey For Hair Growth

Article Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Feb 02, 2019

Why Is Honey Good For Hair?

Bee's honey is one of the most valued and appreciated natural substances known to enhance the health of the skin and hair. It is highly popular in cosmetic treatment and is used in preparing hair conditioners and softeners.

Honey is a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes. These nutrients improve the health of the scalp and the hair. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, healing, cleansing and moisturizing properties are beneficial for all types of hair.

The antioxidants present in honey lower damage to the hair and scalp and prevent dry, rough and dull hair. Applying honey on the hair and scalp can also prevent infections on the scalp like eczema and psoriasis Such an anti-bacterial property of honey is due to the enzymatic production of hydrogen peroxide, an anti-bacterial agent.

Benefits of Honey for Hair Growth

At present, hair loss is the most common problem, despite the availability of many hair-care products in the market. Treating it with natural ingredients like honey may help in getting rid of hair loss. Let's have a look at how honey fights hair loss:

1. Acts as a Natural Conditioner

Dry and rough hair is prone to breakage. Honey seals moisture in the hair, keeping it soft and conditioned. This makes the hair manageable and prevents hair fall. Hence, individuals with dry hair should apply honey to prevent the hair from breaking off at the ends.

2. Fights Dandruff

Honey, being an anti-bacterial agent fights dandruff and reduces scaling, itching and hair loss. Studies have investigated the beneficial effects of topical application of honey in the management of dandruff. It was further found that honey application relieved itching and showed improvements in hair loss. Because honey treats dandruff, it automatically lowers hair fall too.

3. Prevents Hair Loss

Honey contains natural antioxidants that protect the hair as well as the scalp against damage. Studies have found that oxidative stress is linked to poor hair and scalp health. Free radical attack can cause premature aging of the hair, which manifests as hair loss and a decrease in the hair production.

Studies have revealed that honey is a good source of antioxidants. These antioxidants alleviate the increased levels of reactive oxygen species and diminish the adverse effects of oxidative stress on the hair. Therefore, application of honey on the hair may boost the availability of antioxidants and reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress.

4. Adds Shine and Lustre To Your Hair

Every woman wants lustrous and healthy-looking hair. Applying honey on the scalp and hair can help you achieve this. Honey is a good source of various nutrients like phenolic acids, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, carotenoid-like substances, amino acids and proteins and certain B-complex vitamins.

When honey is applied, these nutrients enter deep into the roots and nourish the hair as well as the scalp. This strengthens the hair, makes them lustrous and prevents damage.

How To Apply Honey On Scalp and Hair?

Honey, alone, is a powerful natural ingredient that can improve the health of your hair tremendously. It can be applied alone or in combination with other natural ingredients too. Read on to know how you can prepare your own honey hair rinse.

For honey hair rinse-

Home-Made Hair Masks Using Honey

The beneficial effects of this natural liquid are further enhanced, when it is combined with other powerful ingredients that prevent hair loss. Here are some easy and inexpensive hair mask ideas using honey, which can help control hair fall.

Honey and Egg Hair Mask

Works Best For: Dry and rough hair. Egg is a great source of protein, which promotes hair growth and honey prevents hair loss and adds luster to your mane.

Honey-Olive Oil Mask

Works Best For: Hair loss and poor hair growth. Both olive oil and honey deeply nourish the hair. They moisturize the scalp and strengthen the hair strands, which help in reducing hair fall.

Honey-Coconut Milk Mask

Works Best For: Weak and damaged hair. Both coconut milk and honey are full of nutrients, which boost the health of hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Honey-Yogurt Hair Mask

Works Best For: Dry, frizzy and brittle hair. Yogurt is full of protein that is required for hair growth. Honey attracts and retains moisture, which makes the hair soft.

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