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FAQs On Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Article Reviewed by Dietitian Dt. Sugandhi Karthick on Aug 02, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How much Pumpkin Seeds to eat daily?
About 30g of pumpkin seeds can be consumed every day to obtain benefits.

2.How to eat Pumpkin Seeds?
Pumpkin seeds can be roasted and consumed as a snack. It can also be added as a crunch to desserts, salads, sandwiches, trail mix, and more. Desserts like sweet balls, brittles, and milkshakes.

3.Can I eat pumpkin seeds raw?
Yes, it is safe to consume raw pumpkin seeds. However raw seeds may harbor bacteria and rarely result in food poisoning. If you"�re concerned about food poisoning, it is best to used roasted or cooked pumpkin seeds.

4.Who should not eat pumpkin seeds?
People who are allergic to pumpkin seeds should avoid consuming them. People with digestive issues like diarrhea might want to avoid pumpkin seeds until their symptoms settle as they are high in fiber.

5.What's the best time to eat pumpkin seeds?
Pumpkin seeds can be consumed at any time of the day. It can be served with salads for breakfast and dinner or added to shakes or consumed as a snack.

6.Are pumpkin seeds high in sodium?
No, pumpkin seeds are low in sodium. However, when purchasing, look for the ingredients list to understand if salt has been added.

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    Soundharya M. G. 2024. Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds. Medindia, viewed Sep 20, 2024,

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