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Know your Appendix Friendly Diet

Article Reviewed by Dietitian Dt. Ananya Bhattacharya, BSc, CFN, MSc, CCDE, ACCDE, CCRN on Dec 07, 2023


A proper diet is crucial for appendicitis prevention as a high-fiber diet reduces the risk of blockages in the appendix, minimizing inflammation. Additionally, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables supports overall digestive health, potentially preventing complications.

Can Appendicitis be Prevented through Dietary Measures?

It is suggested that the emergence of acute appendicitis as a significant illness coincides with the consumption of diets low in fiber. There's an observed increase in acute appendicitis cases in Africa, believed to be linked to a shift of diet with less residue as a result of economic progress(1). Numerous studies across various countries investigating the impact of diet on acute appendicitis have indicated that a deficiency in dietary fiber might be a key contributing factor to the development of this condition(2).

The appendix is a small, tube-shaped pouch (about the size of a finger) that is connected to the large intestine. Appendicitis refers to an infected, or inflamed appendix. Sometimes the feces that pass through the large intestine can block the appendix, leading to inflammation. Symptoms of appendicitis include acute intense pain in the lower right side of abdomen. An inflamed and blocked appendix swells and may even burst at times which then becomes a medical emergency. A burst appendix can lead to sepsis due to spread of infection throughout the abdominal cavity and body(3, 4).

What Diet should be followed to Prevent Appendicitis?

Dietary fiber: Foods high in dietary fiber such as fruits, non-starchy vegetables, pulses, and whole grains show a negative correlation with appendicitis risk. Consuming a high-fiber diet reduces fecal travel time and decreases the chances of any obstruction of the appendix. Studies have found that a low-fiber diet is accompanied by a fecal reservoir that leads to inflammation(7).

Probiotics: Associations have been identified between gut microbiome and appendicitis. Probiotics have been associated with positive outcomes in appendicitis from an immunological perspective. The appendix similar to the colon has microbes such as Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria species. Some studies have found that the gut microbiome of appendicitis patients is rich in Fusobacteria and Parvimonas. Probiotics are known to suppress pathogens, promote differentiation of the intestinal barrier, and stimulate epithelial cells. They also help in the proliferation of immune cells, improving gut motility, and preventing the transfer of bacteria and harmful substances from the gut to the bloodstream(4).

Water is an elixir of life and plays a significant role in preventing constipation. Hydration is a key component in preventing appendicitis(5).

What Causes Appendicitis?

Appendicitis causes include:

What Foods should be Avoided to Prevent Appendicitis?

Processed foods: Foods that cause appendix inflammation have been examined by several researchers among different populations. Research suggests that when the diet mostly comprises of processed food it may increases the risk of appendicitis. Foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol (animal meat, egg yolk) may disrupt digestion and lead to bowel irregularities. Foods that should be eaten in moderation or avoided include:

Refined Foods: Studies also found that the intake of refined foods like white bread, pasta, and biscuits may increase the risk of appendicitis.

Spicy and Acidic Food: Spicy foods may also trigger appendix inflammation. Acidic foods like tomatoes, citrus fruits, and vinegar can sometimes irritate the lining of the digestive system causing inflammation. Spices have displayed beneficial effects in obesity, heart disease, and more, but their antibacterial property may deplete the gut microbiota. Studies have found that people with appendicitis tend to prefer spicy foods, depicting it to be a potential causative factor.

Significant associations between lack of fresh and dried fruits and appendicitis were observed. A study found that intake of cheese, processed meat, and poultry increased the risk by 7%, 40%, and 9%, respectively(5, 6).

How does Reduced Water Intake Increase the Risk of Appendicitis?

Water is an essential fluid for healthy digestion. Adequate water intake is important for breaking down food particles, absorbing its nutrients, and moving waste smoothly through the intestines. When the body is dehydrated, the intestines may absorb more water from the waste, leading to harder stools. This can increase the risk of constipation, which is sometimes associated with an increased risk of appendicitis. Reduced water consumption causes slow bowel movement followed by constipation and thus increases the risk of appendicitis(8). The World Health Organization recommends that adult females require 2.2L/day of water daily and males about 2.5L/day.

How does Probiotics Help the Gut and the Appendix?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help promote gut health and boost immunity. Some good sources include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi(4).

Can Appendicitis be Prevented?

There is always some inherent risk of developing inflammation of the appendix irrespective of adopting a healthy lifestyle or consuming the right foods and maintaining adequate water intake. However prevention of constipation with adequate water and fiber intake ensures proper digestion and in the long term helps avoid not only Appendicitis but also diverticulitis and many other digestive problems.

The foods for a healthy gut and your appendix include fiber-rich foods like whole wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, pulses, legumes, fruits, green leafy and other non-starchy vegetables. Fluid intake is of utmost importance as well. Avoiding high-fat foods like red meat, fried foods, processed foods, high-fat cheese, and more helps promote a healthy intestine(7).

Key takeaway

A healthy lifestyle is the polestar guiding towards a healthy gut and appendix. Dietary management as stressed involves consuming a balanced diet with whole grains, pulses, legumes, low-fat dairy products, fruits, non-starchy, and green leafy vegetables. Therefore, dietary fiber, water, and probiotics are studied to be the main elements sculpting a healthy digestive tract and also the appendix.


  1. Acute appendicitis and dietary fibre intake - (
  2. Acute appendicitis and dietary fiber - (
  3. Appendicitis - (
  4. Probiotics, the Immune Response and Acute Appendicitis: A Review - (
  6. Consumption of diets rich in animal protein, saturated fat, or sodium, and low in fibre are associated with increased risk of acute appendicitis - (
  7. Appendix Treatment and its Causes - (
  8. About Appendectomy - (

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