Top Amazing Benefits of Noni Juice

Top 12 Amazing Benefits of Noni Juice

Introduction to Noni Juice

Noni or Indian Mulberry is scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia L. For more than over 2000 years, it is being used as traditional medicine by Polynesians. It is an evergreen medicinal plant originated in Southeast Asia. This plant grows in the open coastal regions at sea level. It is also found in forest areas growing up to 1300 feet above sea level. Noni has various names in various cultures: Nhau in South East Asia, Ach in Hindi, Nunakaai in Tamil and Mengkudu in Malay, cheese fruit in Australia, to name a few.

Noni fruit is 12 cm long and outer body is ovoid and lumpy. The color of the unripe fruit is green. The ripe fruit has a strong acidic smell. The ripe fruit pulp is juicy but bitter in taste. In the ripe fruit, the color of the pulp is light dull yellowish white and it is gelatinous in nature. The fruit contains four seeds and it is covered with golden brown pits.

Traditional Use of Noni

Noni plant is widely available in Andaman and Nicobar islands. The juice of the leaf helps to promote blood clotting, when applied on cuts and wounds for 3-4 days. People of Lakshadweep eat the seeds of the noni fruit once a year as they believe it helps to promote health. Noni also plays the role of an effective insecticide in the Philippines and Hawaii. Traditionally, noni plant played a key role in the health of Polynesians. Noni fruit is used as food, drink, medicine, dyes and for cosmetics.

Nutritional Value of Noni

Noni fruit comprises 90% of water and various types of soluble solids, dietary fibers and proteins. The fruit has high protein content (11.3%) and it also has certain essential amino acids including aspartic acid, glutamic acid and isoleucine. Minerals present in the noni fruit are potassium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and traces of selenium. Ascorbic acid and provitamin A are primarily available in the noni fruit juice. Noni fruit also contains approximately 160 phytochemical compounds and more than 120 nutraceutical (a part of food which provides medicinal or health benefits) compounds.

Nutritional Facts of Noni

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Noni fruit is popular for its wide range of health benefits. Twelve amazing health benefits of noni juice are given below:


1. Helps in Weight Loss: Daily intake of noni juice helps with weight loss. Drinking noni juice increases the energy level of an individual due to its antioxidant property. It enhances the metabolism in the body, and thereby, takes up energy from the fat cells of the body. The stored fat is burnt and provides energy to the body, which results in weight loss.

Noni Juice Aid in Weight Loss

2. Liver Protection: Noni fruit juice is found to be effective in protecting the liver against toxic substances. Studies reported that hepatoprotective property of noni juice helps to protect liver from the exposure of various harsh chemicals and thereby, prevents liver damage.

3. Fights Fatigue: In olden days noni fruit was consumed by Polynesians to fight fatigue. Various studies have revealed that drinking noni juice can help to improve physical activities and energy levels which helps to combat fatigue. This occurs primarily due to the fruit's natural antioxidant properties which protect the cells from oxidative damage.

Consumption of Noni Fruit Combat Fatigue

4. Constipation Remedy: Normally, constipation occurs due to lack of enough fiber in the food. Noni contains a compound called anthraquinones which can stimulate the bowel movement. This results in cleansing the colon and eases constipation.


5. Treats Arthritis: Arthritis is the inflammation of joints which is responsible for joint pain. The healing power of noni juice is beneficial for the treatment of many inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Studies have also shown that noni has analgesic property which helps to relieve the pain caused due to arthritis.

6. Good for Diabetes: According to the research, noni fruit and noni juice have anti-diabetic properties. Studies have also revealed that noni juice is effective in lowering fasting glucose, improving glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.

Noni Juice Effective In Treating Diabetes

7. Boosts Immunity: Active compounds present in noni juice help to strengthen the immune system. Earlier, the noni fruit and leaves were used for the treatment of infections. Noni has phenolic compounds which have antibacterial properties and thus it can fight against bacterial infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and many other microorganisms. Noni fruit also has antifungal and antiviral properties, which act against various viral and fungal infections.

8. Relieves Muscle Spasm: Noni helps to get relief from muscle spasm. Noni contains high content of K+ ions, which induce muscle contractions. and this stimulates the blockage of calcium channel resulting in suppressing the muscle spasms. Finally, it helps to relieve the pain and discomfort in the muscle.

9. Lowers cholesterol : Studies have proven that noni fruit extract significantly reduces total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in patients with hypercholesterolemia. According to a study it is observed that LDL (bad cholesterol) is decreased and HDL (good cholesterol) is increased among noni juice drinkers. Studies also reported that noni juice can significantly lower the risk of dyslipidemia among cigarette smokers.

Consumption of Noni Juice Lowers Cholesterol Risk

10. Protects Heart: Noni has the potential to prevent thickening and hardening of the artery walls, and thus, plays a crucial role in heart health. It also helps to lower the blood pressure and maintains a healthy heart.


11. Healing of Wounds : Noni juice speeds up the recovery of wound healing process. Various studies have reported that noni juice has wound curing properties associated with the functioning of collagen, hydroxyproline and protein content. High blood sugar level is connected with poor wound healing process. Noni fruit reduces blood sugar level, hence it helps to heal wounds in diabetic people.

12. Promotes Healthy Skin : Various parts of noni plant have been used to treat skin problems such as acne, water retention, inflammation and others. Noni contains anthraquinone which has anti-wrinkle properties, and thus, can slow down the aging process of skin. Noni juice has goodness of antioxidants which helps to fight against free radicals and thereby, prevents cell damage.

Noni Promotes Healthy Skin

How to Prepare Noni Juice

Noni fruit is processed into noni juice in two ways: Traditional and Non-traditional. Drip-extraction and fermentation or aging process is used in the traditional method. However, the non-traditional method includes a pressing or squeezing technique to extract the juice from ripened fruits.

Traditional Method

  • Harvested noni fruits are collected washed and air dried.
  • Place them in a glass, steel or food grade plastic vessel for 2 to 4 months
  • Initial color of the extract is golden or amber which darkens slowly with the time. The extract is collected after the fermentation process. During this process, the extract should not come into the contact with air.
  • At the final stage noni extract is decanted, filtered and stored in containers.

Non-Traditional Method

  • In this method fruits are squeezed with hands through a cheese cloth, a paint strainer or using simple fruit pressing device. The pulp and seeds are separated.
  • Now the golden color fruit extract is collected and stored in closed vessels in a refrigerator. Pasteurization is also used to store the fruit extract.

Noni Juice: Safe or Not Safe?

Noni juice has become popular due to its amazing health benefits. Studies have confirmed that noni juice is safe to consume. However, there are certain cases which reported adverse health effects, which were likely due to other factors, and not necessarily the noni fruit.

Latest Publications and Research on Top 12 Amazing Benefits of Noni Juice











