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FAQs about Mammography

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Santhoshkumar, MBBS , Dr. Sunil Shroff on Jul 28, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctors do mammography?

Mammography is done by a Radiologist. Generally a Surgeon will guide you to undertake the test.

2. What happens if the mammography test comes abnormal?

If the mammogram comes abnormal, the woman may have to undergo further radiological tests and maybe a Fine Needles Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) or a needle Biopsy to rule out breast cancer.

3. Does mammography have any side effects?

Mammography may cause anxiety and slight pain during the procedure. It also exposes the woman to radiation. However, the dose of the radiation is very low and the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks. The results of the test may not be 100% accurate. Some breast abnormalities other than cancer may appear suspicious on mammogram. Thus the woman may be subjected to further unnecessary tests. Mammograms may also not yield correct results in women with breast implants.

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