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Test Your Knowledge on the Effects of Alcohol

Health Quiz reviewed by Dr. Krishanga, BDS on Aug 24, 2023


Alcohol in beverages like beer, wine, and spirits contains ethanol or ethyl alcohol, produced by fermenting sugars in grains, fruits, and vegetables. For instance, grapes contribute to wine production, while vodka is made from potatoes (1).

Excessive alcohol consumption can have harmful effects, disrupting brain communication, affecting mood, behavior, and cognition. Prolonged or heavy drinking can lead to heart issues like cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and high blood pressure. The liver may suffer from conditions such as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis due to excessive alcohol intake. Moreover, alcohol is linked to pancreatic inflammation, weakened immunity, and a higher risk of various cancers (2).

In this quiz you can learn about alcohol and its effects. The quiz has 10 questions with explanation of answers. The topics covered are
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