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6 Tips To Get Rid of Stinky Feet

by Hannah Joy on October 10, 2017 at 7:19 PM

Men who wear shoes without socks are at an increased risk of developing fungal infections, reveals a new study published in The Telegraph.

The feet give out approximately 230 ml of sweat every day. In the absence of comfortable cotton socks, the excess sweat does not get absorbed but soaks into the unbreathable material in shoes, which gives rise to conditions like athlete's foot, leaving a person with flaky, sore and scaly feet.

‘Too much of sweatiness of the foot can increase moisture in the feet leading to fungal infections in men.’

Emma Stevenson from the College of Podiatry reported to The Telegraph saying that too much of sweatiness of the foot can lead to too much moisture in the feet causes fungal infections.

If the lining of the socks is not breathable, then moisture heat and bacteria would get trapped inside the shoe, said Stevenson.

A few tips can help prevent these fungal infections. Here are a few:

Pointed shoes are not shaped correctly for the foot and wearing them can result in ill-fitting shoes, which in turn, causes friction over the bony prominence of the feet including toes and heels, reveals Stevenson.

Source: Medindia

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