Alcohol may Actually Hinder a Good Night's Sleep
A new study suggests that instead of aiding in a good night�s sleep, drinking alcohol in night instead has a negative effect.
A new study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that instead of aiding in a good night's sleep, drinking alcohol in night instead has a negative effect.
Researchers from the Akita University in Japan conducted the experiment on 10 healthy male university students who were given three different doses of alcohol (none, low and high) at three week intervals.
The researchers found that while alcohol did indeed induce deep sleep for the first half of the night, the students did not sleep soundly for the rest of the night and suffered from insomnia. "Although the first half of sleep after alcohol intake looks good, the result of the assessment shows that drinking leads to insomnia rather than good sleep", lead researcher Dr Yohei Sagawa said.
Source: Medindia