The health law has had a negative response with the people in general.

The poll found that people who were already insured were uneasy about the Affordable Care Act, even though they were not looking for any government help. The White House feels that 85% of the people don’t need to worry about healthcare expansion.
Those with employer or job based coverage said their policies would change next year and would be costlier. Nearly 77% blame the Affordable Care Act for this. 69% feel their premiums will be higher and 59% say their deductibles and co-payments will increase.
14% said coverage for spouses was either eliminated or limited, and 11% said their plan was being dis- continued. “Rightly or wrongly, people with private insurance looking at next year are really worried about what is going to happen,” said Robert Blendon, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, who tracks public opinion on health care issues. “The website is not the whole story.” Employers have been trying to pass the costs on to the workers for years -now Obamacare is blamed instead of the economy. The White House hoped that open enrollment on the web site would bring progress, but a faulty website wrought even more problems for the uninsured and Obamacare.
This was when the cancellation of millions of policies hit the President with breaking of promises and 60% disapproving the move. Now, when the website is working better and more people are able to enroll, the Democrats hope that the negative impressions will begin to fade.
All those who need insurance covers before the 1st of January, 62% said they faced problems – half of them were unable to buy insurance, one fourth could enroll and one fourth were not sure. Some people had to change plans as their policies were cancelled, while others faced looking for new doctors.
Hannah Punitha (IRDA Licence Number: 2710062)