Android Mobile App Launched in Gujarat Helps Provide Respite to Thirsty Birds, Animals
An android phone based application, The Bird Tap, has been launched in Surat to provide respite to thirsty birds by enabling application users to procure earthen water pots from the registered centers and install them at several places in their houses and streets.
The Prayas Team Environment Charitable Trust (PTECT) distributes earthen water pots every year in summers in Surat, but it has come up with the new idea of launching the application to get systematic feedback from the people.
The president of the organization, Darshan Desai, said Surat would be the pioneer in launching the organized effort in helping the animals and birds, and also measure the result of the effort.
This unique application will enable compassionate people to register their name and number, and after installing the pot they can upload the photo of the place which will then be located on map by others.
Thus, large number of people can connect with this initiative.
"So far, the response has been great. Through the application, people are going to their nearby centers and everyday around 700 to 800 pots are being distributed and we target to distribute around 15,000 to 20,000 pots. Our effort is that in Surat no bird should fly from more than 50 to 100 meters in search of water," said Desai.
The application sends a reminder to people to not forget to refill the pot everyday and users can also intimate that they have done the compassionate act, added Desai.
Source: ANI