Blue Cross Will Move Forward Toward the Future of Health Care
Blue Cross has decided to follow the law and help consumers and members to accept Obamacare and move on. The health reform was signed by the President in 2010, where all plans sold in the individual and small employer market should provide 10 essential benefits.
Huge changes had to be made as many of the plans sold in 2013 did not include these essential benefits. Blue Cross had worked on the old plans and sent letters to their members notifying them about the changes and the offered to cooperate in choosing new suitable plans. Blue Cross worked for nearly three years to reconstruct their entire line of individual health plans.
There was a lot of confusion when President Obama offered a choice to retain old plans, as some people had changed plans; some states rejected the offer while others adopted it. Blue Cross did not want people to be without insurance as of 1st January so they had kept the pre-Obamacare plan open through 2014 at the same time discontinuing the non-compliant products.
About 50% of the BlueCross members are eligible for subsidies and for those who cannot enroll on the government website, plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act are offered. As The Affordable Care Act is the future of health insurance, Blue Cross has decided to go along with the government. Many people are happier with the benefits and many with the subsidies of their new insurance plans though some people are still confused and frustrated. This is a time of massive change and so the debates over the future of health care.
Hannah Punitha (IRDA Licence Number: 2710062)
Daniel J. Loepp, November 2013
Source: Medindia