Nicotine could affect the metabolism of anesthetic drugs in the liver, or may desensitize of the some nerve cells that sense pain even in passive smokers.

A total of 90 women undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy were enrolled in the study.
The patients were divided into three groups (30 patients each) based on smoke exposure, confirmed by measurement of serum cotinine (a metabolite of nicotine and marker of tobacco smoke exposure). One group consisted of smokers, another of passive smokers and last group consisted of women with no history of smoking and also no environmental smoke exposure.
After the operation, the total amount of the anesthetic and the painkiller used was recorded. Among smokers, the amount of anesthetic was 38% higher than used for non-smokers and 17% higher than for passive smokers. Among passive smokers, the amount used was 18% higher than among non-smokers.
"The amounts of anesthetic and painkiller required to ensure equal anesthetic depth in similar surgeries was higher in active smokers and passive smokers compared to non-smokers," the authors said.
The research was presented at Euro-anesthesia meeting in Berlin, Germany.