Brit Girl Youngest One to be Treated for IPad Addiction
A four-year old girl in Britain has become the youngest ever patient to be given psychiatric treatment for iPad addiction.
Experts are warning the dangers of allowing children using such devices at a young age. The girl, who was not identified, is from South East of England and is one of many such young patients who display compulsive behavior after using the tablet device from a young age.
Her psychiatrist Dr Richard Graham, who launched the country's first technology addiction program three years ago, said that there are still more patients belonging to the same age group.
"Children have access to the internet almost from birth now. They see their parents playing on their mobile devices and they want to play too. It's difficult, because having a device can also be very useful in terms of having a reward, having a pacifier. But if you don't get the balance right it can be very dangerous", he said.
Source: Medindia