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Brushing Teeth Twice Daily may Reduce Risk of Pneumonia

by Kathy Jones on December 29, 2011 at 10:42 PM

People who brush their teeth twice a day not only have a good oral hygiene, but are also less likely to suffer from pneumonia compared to those who brush just once.

Researchers from Yale University School of Medicine led by Dr Samit Joshi found that the onset of pneumonia was preceded by changes in the bacteria present in the mouth. The researchers suggested that the risk of pneumonia increases when the bacterial changes take place in the mouth.

Speaking to the ELS Global Medical News, Dr Joshi said, "Our findings may improve the way we prevent pneumonia in the future by maintaining the bacteria which live within our mouths". The study has been presented at the Infectious Diseases Society of America annual meeting in Boston.

Source: Medindia

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