Chief Minister Of Gujarat Pays Surprise Visit To a Civic Hospital In Ahmedabad
Gujarat's Chief minister Anandiben Patel paid a surprise visit to VS Hospital to enquire whether two of her schemes, 'Ma Amrutam' and school health program, are being delivered to the citizens. She visited the pediatric ward, ICCU, cathlab and even the general ward to know whether the facilities available were satisfactory.
Chief minister Patel had talks with children and their parents to know whether they are paying from their pockets even under school health program and whether they are treated well by staff. A visit was planned by Patel last week but didn't work out. This is one of the first times any Chief Minister had made a suprise visit to the hospital.
"We were literally on tenterhooks when Anandiben kept asking patients how much they paid for the services at VS and about the conduct of doctors and staff. We were relieved when she left," says a senior health official. In all, Patel spent close to 45 minutes at the hospital.
Source: Medindia