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Children More Prone to Concussions in Playgrounds

by Reshma Anand on May 3, 2016 at 2:53 PM

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are on the rise among children in the United States, warns a new CDC study.

The study conducted by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that head injuries while playing are increasing among kids aged below 10 years. The study was published in the Journal Pediatrics.

‘Parents supervision at playgrounds is the key to prevent concussions and other traumatic brain injuries among children as simpler playground equipment like monkey bars and swings pose a risk for concussions.’

The team analyzed the number of playground concussions occurring among the children between the year 2001-2013. They considered mild less severe head injuries while the fatal ones were ruled out.

Concussions are injuries due to sudden severe blow on the head, often leading to trauma and brain disruption. Signs of concussions include headache, dizziness and nausea. The symptoms can last for weeks, but the recovery rate is high.

Sports can be an important cause of concussion but even simpler activities in the playground such as monkey bars, swings can lead to concussions. Other hard playground equipment also aggravate the chances of injury.

The important findings of the study are,

Researchers suggest that adult supervision is necessary while playing to prevent playground concussions. Also, parents must know the seriousness of their kids playing in the monkey bars and swings. Playground equipments must be given based on the child's age.

Source: Medindia

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