Scientists have introduced a unified global standard to clarify which substances genuinely qualify as prebiotics.

Classifying compounds as prebiotics - scientific perspectives and recommendations
Go to source). Now a group of eight leading international scientists has developed a comprehensive framework that outlines the criteria for establishing prebiotic status, providing much-needed clarity in this evolving field.
‘ Did You Know?
The global prebiotics market is expected to reach $8.7 billion by 2027, driven by growing consumer interest in gut health. #prebiotics #microbiome ’

This new expert recommendation addresses the key challenges related to scientific substantiation of prebiotics and offers practical guidelines for accurately identifying prebiotics and assessing their health effects. The global prebiotics market is expected to reach $8.7 billion by 2027, driven by growing consumer interest in gut health. #prebiotics #microbiome ’

The publication resulted from collaborations coordinated through the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP).
A Global Approach to Gut Health
The authors detail a clear scientific pathway for demonstrating prebiotic effects, emphasizing that prebiotics must meet several essential criteria.First and foremost, a prebiotic must be a well-characterized substance that provides a measurable health benefit.
In addition, it must be selectively utilized by host microorganisms, show measurable effects on microbiome composition or function, have a plausible mechanism linking the microbiome changes to the observed health benefit, and be safe for its intended use. Importantly, at least one study in the target host is required to demonstrate both microbiome modulation and a health benefit concurrently.
The authors say that over time they hope regulatory and commercial approaches to prebiotics will increasingly align with the scientific criteria they specified.
“Our hope is that scientists around the world take a unified approach to demonstrating the prebiotic status of an ingredient, which will promote clarity and support informed decision-making around prebiotic products.”
- Classifying compounds as prebiotics - scientific perspectives and recommendations - (