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Conscious Kidney Transplant: A 'Cool' Medical Breakthrough

by Dr. Pavithra on June 26, 2024 at 4:12 PM
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John Nicholas, a 28-year-old from Chicago, underwent a groundbreaking kidney transplant while fully conscious. The surgery, performed at Northwestern Medicine on May 24th, was a remarkable success, with Nicholas experiencing no pain and being discharged just 24 hours later. This is a notable improvement over the usual 2-3 day stay at Northwestern and the national average of 7 days for kidney transplant patients.

Groundbreaking Procedure Performed at Northwestern Medicine

The minimally invasive procedure utilized a spinal anesthetic, similar to those used in caesarean sections, instead of general anesthesia. According to Dr. Satish Nadig, the transplant surgeon, keeping Nicholas awake facilitated an outpatient procedure.

‘Awake kidney transplant shortens hospital stays. #medindia #medicalbreakthrough’

Dr. Nadig, along with Dr. Vinayak Rohan, a transplant surgeon, and Dr. Vicente Garcia Tomas, an anesthesiologist and chief of regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine, conducted the operation in under two hours. Dr. Garcia Tomas noted that administering anesthesia for this awake kidney transplant was simpler than many C-sections. Nicholas received a spinal anesthetic shot and a bit of sedation for comfort, allowing him to remain conscious during the procedure. This approach not only benefits patients with risks or phobias associated with general anesthesia but also reduces hospital stays, allowing for a quicker recovery at home.

Despite having no fears regarding general anesthesia, Nicholas was an ideal candidate due to his age, low risk factors, and enthusiasm for participating in a medical first at Northwestern Medicine.

Reflecting on the experience, Nicholas described it as "pretty cool" to be aware of the surgical process in real-time. He recalled asking about the spinal anesthesia during the surgery, only to find that significant progress had already been made without him noticing. He appreciated being kept informed by the medical team about the milestones reached during the operation.

Nicholas was discharged the day after his surgery, leaving the hospital on May 25th. This swift recovery is a testament to the success of the procedure and the advantages of the spinal anesthesia approach.

Source: Medindia

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