A new study conducted by researchers at Oxford University has found that the accumulation of fat in the body starts far sooner than previously imagined
A new study conducted by researchers at Oxford University has found that the accumulation of fat in the body starts far sooner than previously imagined and the conversion of fat from a meal into fatty tissue takes less than three hours.
The researchers found that it is possible to store up to three teaspoons of fat around in the midriff region just three hours after a meal and if you had a big breakfast, then the fat content in that region would continue to grow if you have another meal within a few hours.
“We found that, after eating a meal, the first fat from it enters the blood about an hour later. By the time three to four hours have passed, most of it has been incorporated into our adipose tissue, mostly in the shorter term fat stores around our waists”, lead researcher Fredrik Karpe told The Daily Telegraph.