People suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) likely to experience poorer sleep quality than those without the condition, according to a research.

"Patients with COPD frequently report fatigue, sleepiness and impaired quality of life," says Professor Walter McNicholas from the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
"The study carried out by our group, which has been researching sleep and breathing for more than 25 years, showed that such patients experience poor sleep quality, which may contribute to these debilitating symptoms."
COPD is the name for a collection of lung diseases, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease. People with COPD have trouble breathing in and out because of long-term damage to their lungs, usually because of smoking. COPD is now the fourth leading cause of chronic death and ill health in the USA and is projected to rank fifth in the burden of disease worldwide.
The current study provides a secondary analysis of two previously published trials investigating the impact of long-acting bronchodilators on night-time oxygen saturation in 106 patients with established, moderate to severe COPD. Bronchodilators make breathing easier by relaxing the muscles in the lungs and widening the airways.
Poor sleep quality was measured in a number of ways, including a reduced percentage of rapid eye movements (REM), which occur during the deepest level of sleep.
Key findings of the study included:
- Patients with severe COPD experienced poorer sleep quality than people without COPD of a similar age.
- Daytime hypoxemia (low arterial blood oxygen levels) is associated with sleep efficiency, but airflow obstruction is not. Hypoxemia is thought to impact on certain neurotransmitter levels and these mechanisms can contribute to poor sleep efficiency.
- COPD patients took longer to fall asleep than the age-matched controls after the lights had been turned off (sleep latency) and spent less of their time in bed sleeping (sleep efficiency). They also experienced greater differences in the way they slept, with more sleep at the lightest level (stage one) and less at REM (stage five, the deepest level). Slow wave sleep (stages three and four) was reasonably well preserved.