Using personal care products such as soaps and lotions during pregnancy may lead to adverse reproductive effects in your newborns, warns a new study.

‘Women who use cosmetics during pregnancy have been observed to have babies with shorter gestational age at birth, decreased birth weight and increased odds of preterm birth.’

"Our latest study adds to the growing body of evidence showing that endocrine-disrupting compounds can lead to developmental and reproductive problems in animals and in humans," Geer added in a paper published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials. "Based on this new evidence, the safety of use of these chemicals in our consumer products should be reassessed," Geer pointed out. 

"While small-scale changes in birth size may not be of clinical relevance or cause for concern in individual cases, subtle shifts in birth size or timing at the population-level would have major impacts on the risk for adverse birth outcomes," Geer noted.