Delta strain is found to be 8 times less sensitive to COVID vaccine antibodies.

‘Delta variant of coronavirus is found to be eight times less sensitive to antibodies generated by COVID-19 vaccine with higher infection-causing capacity when compared to the original Wuhan strain. This warrants COVID-appropriate behavior even from those who have taken 2 doses of vaccines.’

The Delta Variant 

“In an analysis of vaccine breakthrough in over 100 healthcare workers across three centers in India, the B.1.617.2 Delta variant not only dominates vaccine-breakthrough infections with higher respiratory viral loads compared to non-delta infections but also generates greater transmission between fully vaccinated healthcare workers, as compared to other variants B.1.1.7 (Alpha variant) or B.1.617.1 (Kappa variant)," reveals the study.
Almost 16.1% of the population that received two doses of Covishield, did not claim any neutralizing antibodies against the Delta variant of COVID-19. Among those who took only one shot of Covishield had contributed to 58.1% of with no neutralizing antibodies.
Although the vaccines reduce the viral progression to severe disease and death, at least three vaccines showed lower protection and least sensitivity against B.1.351 variant. Study stands as a straight eye-opener to all those vaccinated people who would lower their guard with reference to vaccination.