Divorce Rates High Among Stepdads
Stepdadding.com has revealed some startling insights after it initiated a poll to study the longevity of such relationships.
The results of the poll showed that husbands who are stepdads are twice likely to leave their wives than husbands who are in traditional unions.
The survey showed that more than 61 percent of stepdads who were divorced, had made the first move for the break-up. Clearly, they seemed to be the affected ones in the relationship. In comparison only 30% of men broke up with their wives in traditional marriages.
Most often, the reason for divorce cited by two thirds of the men hovered around unresolved issues about the kids, confusing parenting role in the relationship and a lack of empathy and appreciation. This negativity often led to the break up.
To make a relationship that involves a stepfather work, there needs to be an agreement on parenting and a limit to the arguments. Mothers also need to be extra sensitive to kids' issues and take time to check if kids are harboring any negative feelings. Children in such situations must be able to freely express themselves.
Source: Medindia