New study examines the effect of endometriosis on pregnancy and childbirth and suggested ways to reduce obstetrical complications in women with this condition.

‘Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that usually lines the uterus grows outside the uterus.
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Nearly 10 to 15 percent of women of reproductive age have endometriosis, and 30 to 40 percent experience birth complications. Despite such prevalence, the patterns of obstetrical complications haven't been properly investigated yet. RUDN University researchers with their colleagues had studied the data of earlier works and recommended measures for restricting obstetrical complications in women with this condition.Read More..

"Earlier research focused on the biological factors that impact the gestation course in women with endometriosis. We know that patients with endometriosis might experience preterm birth, miscarriages, or other complications due to endocrinal and immunological disorders in the endometrium. However, the obstetrical complications mechanism is still a not well-clarified matter. That is why we led a systematic review and studied the effects of endometriosis on pregnancy. We also recommended ways for preventing obstetrical complications in patients with a history of endometriosis," stated Doctor Anna V. Borisova.
The team examined the results of earlier studies taking into account each possible complication: hypertensive complications in pregnancy, risk of cesarean section, placental abnormalities, underweight of the fetus, preterm birth, and stillbirth. The team recommended several methods to improve pregnancy prognosis, based on the results of the study.
For example, laparoscopy was recommended as the main treatment option in case of adhesions. According to the study, the conception's methods should be determined based on the stages of the disease. Patients with advanced endometriosis stages are recommended to undergo hormone therapy and women after surgery in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer (IVF/ET). The team had also suggested that all patients with diagnosed endometriosis should take 400 micrograms of folic acid in advance prior to conception to decrease the risks of preterm birth and spina bifida in the fetus leading to anencephaly.
"The results of different studies are controversial. However, we managed to develop a fairly clear picture of all possible obstetrical complications in patients with endometriosis, establish causal relations, and identify problems for further discussion," continued Romeo Konnon, Ph.D., assistant professor, RUDN University.