Doctors have warned parents against buying food allergy testing kits- the Vega tester test, kinesiology and hair analysis for allergy testing.
Doctors have
warned parents against buying food allergy testing kits- the Vega tester test, kinesiology and hair analysis for
allergy testing. By buying such kits
parents are not only wasting money but also increasing their children's
suffering. About 1 in 20 children has a food allergy. Doctors could not
explain the reason behind this rise in food allergies. Several hypothetical
theories like caesarean births to children not being exposed to enough germs to
kick start their immune systems have surfaced.
Getting an
accurate diagnosis from the NHS was a lengthy procedure therefore parents often
resorted to buying these allergy kits online for about 60pounds. Experts from the National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (Nice) have issued new guidelines aimed at speeding up NHS
diagnoses. According to the new guidelines parents paying for allergy testing
are advised to consult a reputable and trained specialist.
Consultant in pediatric allergy at
Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital in London, Dr. Adam Fox was concerned as many a
times children were put on restricted diets on the basis of these spurious
tests. There is no scientific basis for such alternative tests. These kits can
delay proper diagnosis and since the child has been wrongly put on a restricted
diet, it can lead to malnutrition. Dr. Fox said skin prick testing and the IgE
blood test on the NHS were medically proven. These tests should not be confused
with some IgG food intolerance and home testing kits.