Health experts have warned that reckless behavior of women is exposing them to sexually transmitted infections at record levels.

Research by Durex shows the average age teens have intercourse for the first time is 16, which is two years younger than a decade ago.
An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has revealed alarm about the health of young women and their attitude to sex, alcohol and even the sun.
"Young women aren't taking responsibility for their health and safety," the Daily Telegraph quoted Desiree Spierings, Sexual Health Australia director as saying.
"They have a relaxed attitude to unprotected sex as well," Spierings said.
Many young women The Sunday Telegraph spoke to were open about the pressures they face from their social groups, egged on by edgy TV shows that feature sex, drugs and alcohol.
"Sex is publicised as being really cool," Eliza Elkington of Lapstone, said.
"The age girls are starting to have sex is much younger. In Year 7 there was no one doing it, but having just finished Year 12 we look at the younger students and they're all doing it," Emily Marks, 18, said.
"It's not that we think we're bulletproof. It's that we don't always consider all the consequences," Grace Cameron-Lee, 18, of Blaxland, said.
Andrew Burry, AIDS Action Council CEO also expressed his concern about the lack of information of the present generation.
"We have a generation of kids in school with no real exposure to information about HIV, being taught by people, many of whom have also had no education or information about HIV," Burry said.