Facebook can Actually Make You Fat.
Using social networking sites like Facebook can make you gain weight, a recent insight suggests.
This may not be due to inactivity, but because people who use Facebook and other social networking sites may be exhibiting high levels of self- esteem but may actually lack self-control.
Further, social networking sites boost people's self-esteem and well-being, and this can affect the behavior of a person.
"Using online social networks can have a positive effect on self-esteem and well-being. However, these increased feelings of self-worth can have a detrimental effect on behavior. Because consumers care about the image they present to close friends, social network use enhances self-esteem in users who are focused on close friends while browsing their social network. This momentary increase in self-esteem leads them to display less self-control after browsing a social network," the authors said.
Researchers conducted five experiments to check the behavior of various people both online and offline and how it affected them. The results of the study showed that extent of money spent and poor self-control over what they ate as well as the usage of social networking sites was linked together.
"Given that self-control is important for maintaining social order and personal well-being, this subtle effect could have widespread impact. This is particularly true for adolescents and young adults who are the heaviest users of social networks and have grown up using social networks as a normal part of their daily lives."
Source: Medindia